
Below you will find a selection of TapBeat photos and videos.

No part of this website or any of its contents (text, grafik, photos or videos) may be reproduced, copied, modified or adapted, without the prior written consent of Cristina Delius, unless otherwise indicated. You may quote extracts from the website with attribution to
Copyright© TapBeat, Cristina Delius 2013 / All Rights Reserved

Please click on the pictures in order to open the links.

Documentary on Cristina Delius (starts at minute 23:33) at RBB TV Berlin:






Documentary about TapBeat at TV Berlin:








DVD Trailer „It's Showtime“:













Gallery "Teachers":























Gallery "Shows and Events":










Gallery "Fête de la Musique 2014":

















 Impressum        General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Address & Contact

TapBeat, International Tap Dance Center
Director: Cristina Delius
Jeanne-Mammen-Bogen 580-581
(between Grolman and Uhlandstraße)
D-10623 Berlin-Savignyplatz

S3, S5, S7, S9, S75 Savignyplatz
U1 Uhlandstraße, U9 Zoologischer Garten
U7 Wilmersdorfer Straße
M49, X34 Savignyplatz
M19, M29 Uhlandstraße and other busses
Find us here

phone: +49 30 / 886 24 158
mobil: +49 152 / 277 38 706

Useful links